The Gemini 720ik reduced size and weight, and proven reliable performance makes it the ideal sonar for use on ROVs for navigation, obstacle avoidance and target recognition as well as diver operations. Used in conjunction with the Diver Mounted Display it also provides divers with real-time imaging in low-visibility conditions via a high-resolution diver display.
The Gemini 720ik sonar is supplied with Tritech’s Genesis software which offers users the capability to operate multiple Tritech sensors using a single software program.
Manuals, Datasheets, Software, etc.
Gemini 720ikManual
Gemini 720ikSoftware
Genesis v1.10.0.21STEP Files
Gemini 720ik/1200ik - 350m - No Connectors Gemini 720ik/1200ik - 350m - Single Connector Gemini 720ik/1200ik - Inodive (DMD) MountTechnical Notices
Calibration Frequency GuidanceFAQs
What is the difference between the Gemini 720ik and the Gemini 1200ik?
The Gemini 1200ik is a dual frequency version of the Gemini 720ik. The operating frequencies are 720kHz and 1200kHz for close inspection.
Where can I find the calibration frequency for Tritech products?
The calibration frequency guidance document can be found under the technical notices in the Resources page. To go directly to them click on the link "Technical Notices"
Alternatively, the document can be accessed here: Calibration Frequency Guidance